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Showing posts from May, 2017

Pray For Your Wife

Lord, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me (Psalm 51:10). Show me where my attitude and thoughts are not what You would have them to be, especially toward my wife. Convict me when I am being unforgiving. Help me to let go of any anger, so that confusion will not have a place in my mind. If there is behavior in me that needs to change, enable me to make changes that last. Whatever You reveal to me, I will confess to You as sin. Make me a man after Your own heart. Enable me to be the head of my home and family that You created me to be. Lord, show me how to really cover (wife’s name or future wife’s name) in prayer. Enable me to dwell with her with understanding and give honor to her so that my prayers will not be hindered (1 Peter 3:7). Renew our love for one another. Heal any wounds that have caused a rift between us. Give me patience, understanding, and compassion. Help me to be loving, tenderhearted, and courteous to her just

Created For WORSHIP

Worship is not just a song but a lifestyle. Worship is not about the sound or music. Worship is an attitude. Worship to God is in every thing we do, see, think, desire and expect. Worship to God is the way you treat people (even when you are angry). Worship to God is in what you do when you are excited. Worship to God is in how you listen to people in conversation. Worship to God is how you depend on God for making every single decision of your life. Worship to God is in your polite words to people. Worship to God is in how you manage your sexual urge. Worship to God is in the choice of the kind of website you vision online. Worship to God in the way you forgive, love, and have compassion on people. Worship to God is in the way you discipline, rebuke and correct people (as God's children). Worship to God is in how you breakup with some one you are dating with the consciousness that this person you are breaking up with is still precious to God. Worship to God is the ki

What Godly Ladies Want in Men.

If you are finding it hard to understand what Gods daughter (suitable) need, here’s what they’re looking for: Honesty More than any other trait, women are looking for a man who is open and honest.  The thing about honesty is that it’s a sign of security.  What you see is what you get and there is absolutely nothing to hide.  Men, it’s time to stop pretending and start being real.  Real with your strengths, your weaknesses, your struggles.  Real with your hopes, your dreams, and your fears.  Real with who you actually are; not who you want to be.  A man who has nothing to hide becomes the safe place in which a woman can hide her heart (Tweet it!).  Now that’s straight-up manly. Purity We live in a society that has fooled us into thinking that women have no control over their emotions, and men have no control over their eyes.  I’m a firm believer that this is a lie straight from the pit of hell.  It sickens me to interact with women who expect their men to fall prey to lust, chea