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Showing posts from January, 2020

Take Charge

Be more deliberate this year...2020. You need to live above your past, struggles and limitations as a man. Reach out the the capacity God has deposited within you. You are the best thing that happened to this generation. Being a man is not just a gender...its a calling and ministry. Chase after the understanding of your calling and vision. Be the CEO of your own passion and be solution orentied. There is more to life...than just sex, money and power. You are a leader, protector, teacher, provider and the to improve and preserve every thing God has committed into your hand. Don't be absent in the place of prayer and the studying of Gods Word. Be present and available.... Let nothing go wrong under your WATCH. A healthy life and relationship, is a deliberate decision and attitude you can only cultivate, through your cooperation with the Holy Spirit. This is your day...and be encouraged. HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you. #Prince_Victor_Matthew #Baba_Love #2020_S