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Showing posts from June, 2020

Cultivate Her

You are a man and its your duty to cultivate your lover. Stop complaining about her and talking her down. Stop exposing her faults. Stop comparing her weakness with other ladies who are stronger than her in such area. Use your own strength to put out the best in her. Stop looking down on her and cultivate. If she doesn't know how to cook, encourage her to learn. If she does not know how to talk politely, encourage her to learn. BUILD HER UP WITH YOUR WORDS AND STOP TEARING HER DOWN. The ladies you see today and admire....a man like you built them up with their words and attitude toward this lady. Who have you built with your words and attitude? Who are you presently building with your words and attitude? Rise up and be the man God has created you to become. HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you. #Prince_Victor_Matthew

Be Encouraged

You are the man and its your responsibility to make sure every thing under your watch is aligning to the authority of the scriptures. Be a man!! Don't sell the truth you know. Be a man of your word and don't support any thing that has no truth. You were created to be a man of integrity. Don't settle for less. Your worth not the money you have...but the quality of understanding you have about your vision, dream and direction in life. You are a man and you are the specific solution this generation is waiting for. Don't throw away your confidence!!!! HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you. #Prince_Victor_Matthew

Take Charge

Always remember the first person God blames when any thing goes wrong is ANY MALE GENDER present in that place. It happened in the garden of Eden and so its happening in this generation. You are the MAN. Deal with any thing that does not look like Jesus around you. HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you

Don't Be Confused

Don't be that kind of man that believe every thing and any thing people say or gossip about people. Refuse to fall a victim of you hating some one simply because of what you heard about them. You are a man and its maturity to verify inform, confront this person with respect and get THE TRUTH from this person's mouth. Refuse to be this man that is confused and easily controlled with gossip. HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you