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Showing posts from December, 2020

Protect Your Territory

I want you to understand that the consequences of any decision you are responsible. Think of tomorrow and be determined not to fail in what God has committed into your hands. Don't be the kind of man that shift blames on people. Don't be the kind of man the excuses himself of the faults or blame. If there is a problem...fix it. If there is a complain...attend to it. If there is a fight...defend your territory. If there is a fault....earn it. You are the man...make decision and act like the man you are!!! This is your day and heaven is proud of you. #Prince_Victor_Matthew

Take Charge As A Man

Being a man is not easy and that's why you have to depend on the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Being a man is not by age, height and body structure.....its in bring responsible to whatsoever God has commissioned into your hand. Don't be a spectator, take charge in prayer and in obeying the scriptures. Correct people when necessary and appreciate people where needed. You are a man...believe it and embrace your responsibility.... Don't forget to depend on the Help of the Holy Spirit. This is your day. HOPE EXPRESSION believes in you.