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Showing posts from January, 2021

Why Are You Here?

Don't claim you don't know your divine purpose. Its an act of irresponsibility as a man for you not to having a course you are living your life for. What are the goals and plans your father could not the correction of your father. If your father was not a landlord, fight to become one. What kind of success in life and in God your father could not attain? Fight to attain them. Don't repeat the mistakes of your father. Don't give your lover the chance to complain about you the same way your mum use to complain of your dad. Don't become the kind of husband and complained about while growing up as a child.  You can do all things as you depend on the Holy Spirit. Addictions can be broken and curse can be neutralize. This is your day. Make up your mind to become the kind of man God has ordain you to become. Be different. Be responsible. Blame no body and take charge of your life through Gods Word. HOPE EXPRESSION believes in you.

Get Her A Gift

I don't support the fact that ladies to be liabilities to their lovers or husbands.....but I support the fact that you should make it a culture to buy your lover or When was the last time you gave your lover or wife....a surprise gift...appreciating her for saying yes to you.. For staying with you and loving you faithfully..... Even when she had better options but you choose you and stocked to you despise all odds. GIVE HER A SURPRISE GIFT THIS WEEKEND....this will make God to be proud of you. HOPE EXPRESSION believes in you.

Be the Gate keeper

In a time like a time to be the gatekeeper of your house, family, and siblings. You must stand your ground spiritual and make sure nothing goes wrong under your watch. The devil is fighting daily but be strong in the Lord. Avoid the temptation of shifting blames on any one. You are the man and the responsibility rest and ends on your table. Embrace God's Word and cooperate with the Holy Spirit!!! HOPE EXPRESSION believes in you.