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Showing posts from October, 2017

Be A Man

Seek to understand her person You cannot love a person you don't know or understand. Love is spelt as understanding the totality of her person. Her past, present, challenges, weakness, strength, temperament, struggles etc. Understanding another person is a huge task and that is why you need the Holy Spirit to teach you how to love her. This is one of the reasons why falling in love with an unbeliever is a mistake, he simply cannot know or understand you talk less of adequately loving you in the real sense. Seek healing for her past hurts Some ladies are wounded and bleeding as a result of childhood abuse, rape, verbal, emotional or psychological rejection etc. Whatever the situation, in loving her, you must seek to help her in her healing process. Until she is healed of her past she cannot receive or enjoy love. Loving her means not using her past against her. Point her always to God A wise guy will make sure her fiancée has a personal re