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Knowledge & Pride

I want you to understand that both knowledge and ignorance can frustrate you in this journey of life. 

I have observed and notice that what is currently delay people in your gender from entering a healthy relationship is KNOWLEDGE. Some people are limited by ignorance but another wickedness I have seen under the sun is that knowledge is limiting people. 

The knowledge you have about relationship and life is to help you and also help other people. On no account must your knowledge become a stumbling block to those around you. 

Stop using your knowledge as a weapon to fight people. The fact  that others don't know what you know does not mean they are inferior to you. Don't allow the knowledge God gave you the privilege to know to create pride in your heart.  

Shut up for once. Listen to people even if you think you are smarter than them. I also want you to know that all you know now is just a scratch to what is expected of the whole body of Christ.

2 + 8 = 10. 
5 + 5 = 10. 
6 + 4 = 10. 
Who says your own way is the only way to success? Who says, it must be your own way or nothing? We know in parts and no body knows it all, have it all or have seen it all. 

Claim down and stop feeling on top of the world so much that you are despising the very people that loves you and want to be with you. 

Genuine knowledge humble people but half knowledge creates pride in the heart of its owner. 

This is your year and don't allow what you knowledge to create pride in your heart. Without a humble heart, you will never cultivate a healthy relationship. No body wants to end up with some one that makes them feel useless, and inferior. 

Your knowledge ought to help you to be accessible to people and not building walls of insecurity around yourself . Your knowledge should make you friendly and not suspicious. Your knowledge should give you the patience to listen to understand and not being judgmental. Your knowledge should make people feel accepted by you and not you despising people. Your knowledge should make life more easier for you and not frustrated.  

Ignorance in human can be identified by pride but humility is the attitude of the wise and knowledgeable. 

Claim down. Take it easy. You need people and people needs you. If you think you don't need any body then your ignorance is confirmed already. 

Beloved of God! 
Refuse to become the stumbling block to yourself. 

Show us your knowledge by how you treat, think and talk to people with respect and acceptance and truth. 


Be inspired! 



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