You were born a male but becoming a man is factor of a deliberate effort you must make daily through the strength of Christ. To become the kind of man God has ordained you to become, you must understand the specific plan God ORDAINED for you. This can be done when you pay attention to God's personal dealing with you via His Word. Your first responsibility is to dwell in the presence of God. Your second responsibility is to submit to the instructions of the Father. Your third responsibility is to discover your dream (your calling or purpose or life assignment). Your third responsibility is to be intentional and diligent in your dream and produce result/solution. After all the above is in place, that's when you can think of dating/marriage. These are not my words but how God dealt with Adam in the book of Genesis 2, before He presented a Woman to Him. So, if you think being a man is about chasing women and money. You are abusing yourself. According to God's standard, the...