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Love At Foresight

Habakkuk 2:1
I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.  

As a man, the first step to love at foresight is in you standing. A lot of men as sleeping in ignorance, procrastination, and excuses; this is not the will of God. Some men that are standing are standing in pride, greed, lust, and ignorance; this not the will of God. Teenagers and youths are confused of their future because no father modelled the attitude of standing for them. As a man standing is you knowing who God has created you to be. Standing is self discovering through the Word of God. Standing is being responsible and accountable to God in every aspect of you life. My brother, God created you a male so you can stand; stand for your self, standing for your siblings and your generation. To stand is you studying and meditating on the scriptures.

If you must love at foresight, the first step is you gaining the strength to stand. It’s so sad today that men are sleeping and ladies are the one standing. It’s so sad today that men are the employees and ladies are the CEO of companies. It’s so sad that ladies are doing what the men were created to do. My brother, you were created to stand. In as much as some men are standing, some are standing in wrong things. It’s wrong for you to stand in raping ladies you were designed to protect. It’s wrong for you to be breaking the hearts of the ladies, God designed you to nurture with Gods word. As a man, you are designed to help ladies value their virginity; why are you disvaluing them?

God created you as a man so you can stand. Are you standing in your Gods given calling? My brother, are you standing in your God’s given purpose? My brother, are you standing in your personal relationship with the Lord? My brother, are you standing in truth? My brother, are you standing in discipline? My brother, are you standing in purity and honesty? My brother, are you standing upon your watch; what God has called you to do? As a man, there is a place God has designed for you, find it through Gods word. My brother, you are not meant to be with every body. You are not designed to pursue every thing. You are not design date every lady. God was deliberate about your existence as a male. There is a pattern attached to your life as a man that you must follow. Every opportunity is not your opportunity. Some opportunities are insults to your creativity and purpose in life. My brother, its true dad didn’t model it to you; its time to stand in Gods word. My brother, its true dad didn’t model to you how to respect woman; its time to respect women like Jesus did. My brother, its true dad modelled shouting and domineering as a sign of being a man; it’s time to be as wise and gentle as Jesus.

As a man, you must stand in the place God has designed for you. My brother, it’s time to stand in your mind, in your creativity, and in your attitude. Drop all the excuses and stand as the man God has created you to be. Loving at foresight is all about you standing as a leader, protector, teacher, and provider. Loving at foresight is you discovering and becoming the man God has created you to become.

In other to love at foresight, you must give attention to who you give your listening ears. Who are you listening to? The Scripture says - to see what He will say unto to me; who is talking to you? Who told you all these values and priorities you have accepted as a norm in your life? If God is not the author of every thing you believe; you will never become the man God has created you to become. What you are seeing in life is dependent on what you are listening? My brothers, are you listening to the Holy Spirit? My brothers, are you listening to the scriptures? My brother, looking into God’s word; what can you see? When you look at your future through God’s Word, what do you see?

At this point, I must summit to you that your ability to love is in your ability to see. What you see will determine what and who you will love; what do you see?

What is love at foresight?

Love at foresight is a mindset that is future defined. Love at foresight is a lifestyle that is future defined. Love at foresight is a platform of plans and decisions that is future defined. Love at foresight is a mentality that is goal oriented. Love at foresight is more of specifications and patterns according to the destination of destiny. Love at foresight is you choosing a lady for a relationship based on your purpose and vision in Christ. Love at foresight is you proposing to a lady because of what God have showed you about your future. Love at foresight is you accepting, and nurturing the people around you base on what you see God is going to use them to accomplish in future. Love at foresight is physically relevant and future conscious. Love at foresight is a lifestyle of you making decision that’s in line with the prophecies and vision God has shown to you about your future. Love at foresight is not about what you are now but it more of what you are becoming in future. Love at foresight is a lifestyle of you understanding the difference between necessity and pleasure. Love at foresight is the wisdom of you identifying short-term needs and long-term need. Love at foresight is patient, observant and sensitive to patterns of events. 

Love at foresight is not just about dating alone; it’s about destiny. Love at foresight is not just about relationship; it’s the respect for the future. Love at foresight is not about emotions and attraction; it’s you walking in divine purpose. Love at foresight is not just about caring; it’s a place of discipline. Love at foresight is not just about giving; it’s a place of respect. Love at foresight is not just a place of hugs; it’s a place of truth. Love at foresight is not just a place of laughter; it is a place of loyalty. Love at foresight is you giving your time, your attention, and affection to your self in order to feed your Gods given vision. Love at foresight is you giving your time, your attention, and affection to people in order to feed your Gods given vision.

How is love at foresight?

Love at foresight is specific in nature. Love at foresight is detail conscious. Love at foresight is emotionally balanced. Love at foresight is truth oriented. Love at foresight is scripture defined. Love at foresight carries the nature of prophecies concerning your future. Love at foresight is about Gods plan for the now and how it will extend to the future. Love at foresight is an experience of focus and decision according to what God has told you about your future. Love at foresight is 100% visionary; is about what God have shown you about the future. Love at foresight is you sacrificing your time today in other to access what God has kept for your life in future. Love at foresight is time bond and truth oriented. Love at foresight is about you walking in the clarity of Gods purpose for your life through the way you relate with people. Love at foresight is you making decisions with the consciousness of what God has kept for you in the future. Love at foresight is a lifestyle of responsibility and accountability to God and your God’s given vision.

Why is love at foresight needed?

Love at for sight is needed in other for you to run with what God has told you about the future. Love at foresight is needed for discipline. Love at foresight is needed for being deliberate in your decision making (word of God). Love at foresight is needed for direction and for redeeming the time. Love at foresight is needed for order. Love at foresight helps you stay in tune with the vision God has designed for your life. Love at foresight helps you to stay within the boundary of the prophecy of God concerning your life. Love at foresight helps you to understand your time, season, and the operation of the Lord concerning your life. Love at foresight helps you stay on course (God’s instructions). 

Who is the love at foresight?

Love at foresight is a person; Divine Vision. Love at foresight is the clarity of the vision of God for your life. Love at foresight is what you can see through the word God is daily speaking to you. Love at foresight is a person; your vision in Christ.

Where is love at foresight?

Love at foresight is in the place of your personal relationship with the Lord. Love at foresight is in the place of your covenant with the Lord. Love at foresight is in the place of your fellowship with the Word of God. LOVE AT FORESIGHT IS IN THE WORD OF GOD. Love at foresight won’t be if the word of God is absent. Love at foresight won’t be if you are not deliberately listening to what God has to tell you about your future.

When can you love at foresight? 

You can only love at foresight when you begin to stay in Gods presence. You can being to love at foresight when you begin to make decision with the revelation God has revealed to you. You can only gain the capacity to love at foresight when you are Born Again in Christ. You can begin to love at foresight through your personal encounter with the Lord. You can begin to love at foresight when you begin to walk by Faith. You can begin to love at foresight when you allow the Holy Spirit to lead you. You can begin to love at foresight when you are walking in the clarity of the vision of God for your life. You can begin to love at foresight when you begin to walk in what God has called you to do. You can begin to love at foresight when you begin to walk in Grace. You can begin to love at foresight when you are always in Gods presence. You can begin to love at foresight when you are in the center of Gods will for your life.

My brothers, the strength of your relationship is in the clarity of your foresight. It’s not about Miss. Perfect or Miss. Right; it’s about the clarity of where you are going in life. Don’t love with the consciousness of the present; see into the future. This Lady might fit into the present, but is there room for her in your tomorrow? It’s okay for you to choose this lady for a relationship but can your vision accommodate her? She loves you for who you are now; is she interested in loving who you are becoming daily? You love this lady for who she is now; can you love who this lady she is becoming daily? Loving at foresight is you considering your vision in the choice of the lady you pick for relationship. Loving at foresight is you concerning your Gods given vision before you propose to that lady. Loving at foresight is you having the consciousness that life is about here and the future. 

To love at foresight is to accept, value, and nurture a lady with the picture of your God’s given vision in view.

May the Holy Spirit, bring you to the place of purpose discovery in Christ. May Christ be enthroned in your heart and life in Jesus Name. May the Lord show you deep truths about your vision in Jesus Name. May the Lord show you the clarity of what He has created you to do in Jesus Name. May the Holy Spirit help you to concern His intention for your life in Jesus Name. I pray the Holy Spirit will help you in choosing the lady to in line of your divine vision in Jesus Name.

God bless you.


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