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Don't Be Careless


You are a Godly man and I want you to consider this. 

 *Don't be careless*

Love is not foolishness.  
Love is not stupidity.  

I want you to understand that every thing in life is two sided. Relationship is two sided. The other people should be interested in the relationship just like you are interested.  

You have being respecting a lady and giving her attention but she doesn't do the same to you; please keep to your self. 

Stop investing on the wrong soil. When you keep respecting a lady that doesn't have time for you, that's inferiority complex.  

Love is two sided. Don't stay committed to a lady that is not committed to you. Stop calling a lady that doesn't appreciate your calls. Stop spending for a lady that lacks a heart of gratitude.  

 *Don't be careless!*      

No lady irrespective of her beauty is doing you a favour by loving you, accepting you and having a relationship. 

Every lady needs a relationship just like you need a relationship. So, you are in the same spot she is and looking for the same thing she is look for. 

Don't let any lady make you to be stagnant. Move away from any lady that doesn't appreciate your effort, commitment and time you have invested in being there for her as a lover or friend.

Don't be careless!*  

Don't settle for less - you deserve a lady that will treat like a king. if any lady treats you like a king, don't treat them like a salve. 

 *Don't be careless!**   



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