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Showing posts from August, 2016


DEEP SLEEP  is when you avoid  LORDING  your self over any lady.  IT’S YOU KNOWING LOVE IS NOT  all about changing any lady into who you want them to be.  IT’S YOU KNOWING THAT ONLY GOD CAN CHANGE ANY LADY TO HIS PLAN.   IT’S A PLACE YOU CHOOSE TO TRUST INSTEAD OF TESTING AND TOILING WITH THE EMOTIONS OF ANY LADY . DEEP SLEEP  is you giving any lady  FREEDOM . It’s you giving any lady the freedom to discover and pursue their God’s given dream, calling and vision. It’s you learning to compliment any lady  INSTEAD  of competing with them. It‘s accepting and feeling secure despite the success of the ladies around you. It’s only in  DEEP SLEEP  you can truly find true love. If you don’t allow God to put you in  DEEP SLEEP , the Lord will never present your wife to you. The Ladies are God’s daughter and He must be able to trust you with their safety before he present the lady before you. The reason why you have not recognized your spouse to be is because you are still  AWAK


Your effort is not needed here. It’s full of Grace and Truth. This is the manifestation of the finished work of Christ. As a man, you must come to understand that you can only enjoy friendship and relationship through your availability and humility. Any friendship or relationship you are emotionally absent is an abuse. It is called friendship or relationship because availability is  NEEDED . ·           Are you emotionally available? ·           Are you available for communication? ·           Are you available to listen to her? ·           Are you available to be committed to her? ·           Are you available to accept your individual difference? ·           Are you available to forgive her? ·           Are you available for you to be who God wants you to be to her? ·           Are you rude to her? ·           Are you humble? ·           Are you polite? ·           Can people correct you without you getting angry? ·           What’s your attitude


Then the Lord God caused the man into a DEEP SLEEP, and took one of the man’s rib and closed up the place from which he had removed it, and made the rib into a woman, and brought her to the man.  This is it! Adam exclaimed. “She is part of my own bone and flesh! Her name is ‘woman’ because she was taken out of a man.  Genesis 2:21 – 22 You are welcome to this  MEN OF GODLY VALUE  online seminar –  DEEP SLEEP (Set your love free). I welcome you in the Name of our Lord Jesus. What is  DEEP SLEEP ? DEEP SLEEP  is the lifestyle and an attitude the Holy Spirit develops in every man through the word of God. This is the total dependency on the Holy Spirit. This is you trusting the Lord with all submission. This is you acknowledging that God is in charge of every details of your life. This is you submitting to the Lordship of Jesus in every area of your life. DEEP SLEEP  is an attitude of humility and loyalty to God and His instruction. This is an act of humi

Where is the King? - Part 4

Have different ladies turn down your proposal? Have you failed in the project, calling or talent? Have mum or dad or even your mentor given up on you? Are you afraid to trust, love and dream again? Are you bond by your fears, worries and doubt? God is aware of them all. YOU ARE STILL THE KING. Do you have a sugar mummy? Have you lost your faith? Have you abandoned your personal relationship with God? Have you stopped praying and studying your bible? It's not too late to return to Jesus. YOU ARE STILL THE KING Have you stopped practising your skills? Have you quit your passion? As a blogger, have you stopped blogging? As a song writer, have you quit writing? As a music producer, have you lost your passion and drive? Whoever you are, no matter how far you have gone. Come to Jesus today, YOU ARE STILL THE KING The gift and calling of God is without repentance. As a pastor, have you impregnated any lady before? Have you misbehaviour in any way? Come to Jesus today... YOU

Where is the king - Part 3

Men were taught to always succeed but no one ever taught him how to learn from his mistakes and failures. They were taught a man do not cry but no one taught them how to be honest about their true feeling. There were taught they are the solution provider but no one taught them how to ask for help when they are in need. WHERE IS THE KING? Men were taught they have the freedom to propose to any lady they are interested in but no one taught them that every lady has the freedom to say yes or no willingly. They were taught to provide for the family but no one taught them how to pursue their Gods given vision. WHERE IS THE KING? Men were taught to always win but no one ever taught them the beauty of defeat. They were taught how to be confident as a man but no one ever taught them the importance of humility. They like correcting the ladies but no one taught them how to accept correction from ladies. Men like ladies apologising to them but they don't like to apologising to lad

Where is the King? - Part 2

Some teenagers have been impregnated by their own teenage pastor who was suppose to nurture and train them in God's word. WHERE IS THE KING? Some youths have been impregnated by their own youth pastor who was suppose to nurture and train them in God's word. They are even having sexual affair with their spiritual leaders and still think nothing is wrong with it. Some Leaders take advantage of the ignorance of the youths and teenagers. WHERE IS THE KING? Marriage is loosing it's value today because some fathers that should model forgiveness and reconciliation have choose to embrace divorce. WHERE IS THE KING? Mentors that should constantly invest in the self development of the people under their care are not victimising the people they are meant to empower. They use their fears, failures and mistakes to judge the youths and teenagers. They feel intimidated by the uniqueness of the youths. WHERE IS THE KING? Men that are meant to be role model, leaders, res

Where is the King? - Part 1

I want to welcome you to this online seminar for MEN and our case study for this seminar is Adam!  Our Case study will be Genesis 3:9 God who created Adam came in to the Garden of Eden He created and was shocked. For the very first time, the creator and the all knowing God asked a question - Adam! Where are you? Adam! Where are you - was the question God asked when he came to fellowship with Adam. Either you are a male or female, God created man-kind to always be in charge and in control. It's your responsibility to be in charge of thing the Lord has put under your care. This world is totally under our care and what it turn into is either our choice or our fault. It's our full responsibility. God cannot come to earth to operate all by himself - He will need a man to represent him here on earth. With this understanding, you should embrace this truth; if this generation fails or improves - it's going to be either our fault or choice. God came to th