I want to welcome you to this online seminar for MEN and our case study for this seminar is Adam!
Our Case study will be Genesis 3:9
God who created Adam came in to the Garden of Eden He created and was shocked. For the very first time, the creator and the all knowing God asked a question - Adam! Where are you?
Adam! Where are you - was the question God asked when he came to fellowship with Adam.
Either you are a male or female, God created man-kind to always be in charge and in control. It's your responsibility to be in charge of thing the Lord has put under your care.
This world is totally under our care and what it turn into is either our choice or our fault. It's our full responsibility. God cannot come to earth to operate all by himself - He will need a man to represent him here on earth.
With this understanding, you should embrace this truth; if this generation fails or improves - it's going to be either our fault or choice.
God came to the Garden of Eden looking for man-kind just the way God is asking the men today - WHERE ARE YOU?
Where is the king you were created to be? Where is the pace setter you were destined to be? Where is the gardener you were created to be as a man? Where is the leader you were born to be? Where is the light and impact you were born to generate? WHERE IS THE KING?
This generation is filled with lots of missing in action. We have lots of believers who are so un-available in the places God has ordained for their lives. Where is the king? Where is the YOU God created you to be?
Many of us have settled to what the society wants you to believe - but where is the original you? Many people are living their lives to impress people - but are you pleasing God?
Why will you accept what people, your environment or society have defined you to be? They call the truth to be lies and they make the lies truth and you have accepted - why?
Here you are pursuing fame, relationship, money, respect, sex etc...etc. when will you begin to pursue the original you God has created you to become? WHERE IS THE KING?
Why have you descended so low to become a shadow of yourself and your dream? Why has a victor being victimised? Why is a leader now a slave to what he was created to lead? Why has a master become servant to what was meant to serve him?
You have given up on trust, love and relationship but the king is absent. You were created to protect and defend ladies are oppressing ladies. WHERE IS THE KING?
As a man you were created to produce respect, peace, support, care, truth, love and a Shepard to the ladies and their vision in God. Why are you giving them stress? Why are you condemning them? What are you judging them? Why are you relating with them through domineering attitude? Why are you despising them or abusing them?
Look at the body of Christ, a lot of things have gone wrong. Some Shepherds have become the oppressors. The sheep are no longer fed with the present truth of God's word. Some Disciples no longer exist because some teachers are absent. Some of the teachers that exist are teachers who will teach the people to fight a battle that does not exist. WHERE IS THE KING?
Look at the teenagers, going to the wrong places to seek for acceptance and love. Some are addicted to porn, smoking, night club, sex and all the negative thing you can think. The Home has lost its true meaning because some parent are absent. Teenage pregnancy abound in some places and teenagers loose their virginity daily - WHERE IS THE KING?
Some youths and teenagers do not even have the experience of a home. Some of them have never experienced the love of a father because a man failed in his responsibility - WHERE IS THE KING?
Some youths and teenagers now look at dictionary and google to find the real meaning of fatherhood,family because they lack a physical role model who should have model it to them. Where is the Home? Where are the fathers? Where is the king?
To be continued...
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