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Then the Lord God caused the man into a DEEP SLEEP, and took one of the man’s rib and closed up the place from which he had removed it, and made the rib into a woman, and brought her to the man. 
This is it! Adam exclaimed. “She is part of my own bone and flesh! Her name is ‘woman’ because she was taken out of a man.
 Genesis 2:21 – 22

You are welcome to this MEN OF GODLY VALUE online seminar – DEEP SLEEP (Set your love free).
I welcome you in the Name of our Lord Jesus.


DEEP SLEEP is the lifestyle and an attitude the Holy Spirit develops in every man through the word of God. This is the total dependency on the Holy Spirit. This is you trusting the Lord with all submission. This is you acknowledging that God is in charge of every details of your life. This is you submitting to the Lordship of Jesus in every area of your life.

DEEP SLEEP is an attitude of humility and loyalty to God and His instruction. This is an act of humility to the people around you (men and ladies). This is the place where you learn to stop trusting in your own wisdom and learn how to trust in the Lord with all your heart.

DEEP SLEEP is the ability of you being insensitive or being dead to every other option around you. This has to do with you becoming focused on God alone.

DEEP SLEEP is the ability of you coming to the end of your self, your wisdom, your plan, your pride and your ego. This is you depending on God’s Grace fully. This is an end to Law and your effort. This is the beginning of Grace and the finished work of Jesus on the Cross.

DEEP SLEEP is a son and father relationship; a place you choose to know nothing else expect the instruction of the Lord. This is a place where you abide in Him totally with respect and obedience.

This is not something you can achieve by your self. You can not go into a DEEP SLEEP all by your self. It is the duty of God through the Holy Spirit to put you into a DEEP SLEEP.

According to the scripture, the bible said that God put Adam into a DEEP SLEEP. You can only pretend but can never have a DEEP SLEEP by your self. You can never swallow your own ego all by your self. This is purely the power of Grace and the finished work of Jesus on the Cross.

What the Lord expects from you is your availability. Adam’s availability helped and enables God to put him into a DEEP SLEEP.

As far as this teaching is concern, what is availability? Availability is your willingness to have a constant relationship with God through the Holy Spirit. It’s in your personal relationship with God where He will have the chance to put you into a DEEP SLEEP.

It’s not by power or might. It is not by fasting and prayer. It is not by how much scripture you read or know. It’s all about God through the Holy Spirit, putting you into a DEEP SLEEP.

To be continued...


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